Going Underground
Our fabrication department was lucky enough to be involved in the Growing Underground project in London. The project set out to efficiently be able to grow herbs in the disused tunnels of the underground, providing London's restaurants with a sustainable solution to sourcing their ingredients.
As part of this project we were tasked with designed and fabricating the trays and frame work which the food would grow on. Following many hours of drawing up designs for the most functional way of growing micro herbs in a fairly confined space, we set to work building them in a 'flat pack' fashion to enable us to transport them down to London and into the tunnels easily as the only access in and out was the service elevators or 100s of steps (a good fitness regime for the lads!).
Once all the materials had made it to London, we set about slotting all the pieces together to begin to form the rows of trays all the herbs would eventually be growing on. We were working with lots of other teams who were providing the specialist lighting, heating and watering equipment to provide optimal growing conditions for the food. It is now served in many of the country's top flight restaurants and sold in branches of Waitrose and M&S. Take a look at Growing Underground to find out more about this fantastic project.